This past week I finally got around to fixing the very first bug I ever filed against the AppDB.
It wasn't really a bug per se, but an enhancement request: add a field to the test report form for changes to default settings in winecfg (Wine's configuration tool). The bug has been gathering dust in Wine's bugzilla since 2008, but the reasons for wanting the enhancement are still valid.
The AppDB ratings systems differentiates between applications that work as well as on Windows "out-of-the-box" (platinum rating) and ones that can be made to work as well as on Windows with some effort (gold rating). False platinums submitted by users who did in fact use various tweaks to get the application working has been a chronic problem, as has the issue of users who give gold ratings but fail to specify the workarounds needed to achieve that.
I was already familiar with the test report form code from having grappled with the distributions issue, so adding another field to the form and database would not be a difficult task. The challenges here were in the design and wording of the interface: my goal was to reduce user errors, not create more.
The first issue was what to name the field. My bug report just mentioned changes to winecfg, but in reality the kinds of things that might need to be done to make an application work encompassed more than that, such as changes to registry settings or installation of runtimes or codecs. In addition, many users make such changes through winetricks, a third party script, and don't think of them as changes to winecfg.
I needed a broader word that would encompass all possible fiddling, and in the end it came down to a choice between "tweaks" and "workarounds." I chose the latter because that's the word most commonly used in bugzilla.
The next issue was deciding what kind of field to add. I knew we needed a wysiwyg textarea that would allow users to say whatever they wanted/needed to say, but I also knew from similar fields already in the form that such a field is not useful for restricting ratings precisely because users can say whatever they want. If users could simply type in "None" in a Workarounds field, then the presence of content in that field couldn't reliably be used to restrict platinum ratings.
So I decided to add two fields to the Workarounds section. One is a simple yes/no question with radio buttons: "Were any workarounds used for problems that do not exist in Windows?" The other is a wysiwyg textarea for users who answer "yes" to describe the workarounds they used.
With that in place, I added checks to the form processing to make sure the submitted rating is consistent with the answer to the Workarounds question. Users are now prevented from submitting platinum ratings if they report having used workarounds, and users who submit gold ratings without having described the workarounds used are now required to supply that information.
Could users willfully bypass those checks by, for example, putting workarounds information in another field and giving a platinum rating? Sure. However, I don't believe many (if any) of the incorrect ratings we've seen have been willful attempts to mislead, and if there are any, they will still be caught by the maintainer or admin processing the submitted form.
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